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6 Most Remarkable Adventures Around the World

1.) Shark Diving in the Caribbean

Out of all the places to go shark diving around the world, the Caribbean should definitely be at the top of your list, and for good reason. It’s not only a prime destination to dive with Great Hammerhead Sharks, but whale sharks migrate there every year too.

Combine that with the opportunity to dive with many other types sharks in some of the most unique chain of tropical islands in the world and you’re left with absolute no excuse to jump in the water to explore!

2.) Sandboarding Nicaraguan Volcanoes

Anyone can go sandboarding, but have you ever considered doing so down the side of an active volcano? If you take a vacation to Nicaragua, you actually have the opportunity to do just that.

Although quite rigorous (after all, nobody is going to carry you up and down the sand dune), travelers in the region get the chance to explore the summit of Cerro Negro volcano and, once done, can arrange to sandboard down the extremely steep slopes down to the base. Sure, it’s not for the faint of heart. But you know what they say, when in Rome…

3.) Island Hopping in the South Pacific

Splattered with lagoons that are shaded in colors of blue to match an artists’ palette, the South Pacific offers a plethora of opportunities that any true adventurer would love to explore.

If given the opportunity, spend some time exploring not only the islands of Tahiti, Fiji, the Cook Islands, Mauritius, Seychelles, and the Maldives, but those surrounding them as well. Get a small group of friends together and spend at least 4-6 months doing so. Sure, you may need to take a leave of absence from work, but believe me when I say that it’s well worth the “sacrifice”.

4.) Cruising Antarctica, South Georgia, and the Falkland Islands

If time and money is on your side, then on adventure cruising through Antarctica, South Georgia, and the Falkland Islands should definitely be on your bucket list.

5.) Hike Machu Picchu & the Sacred Valley

Considered as a right of passage for many travelers around the world, the trek up to Machu Picchu is something you shouldn’t pass up on your journey adventuring across the globe.

Of course, you don’t want to just take the classical trek up – it’s best to go the long way around. What I’m talking about is the hike from Vilcabamba to Machu Picchu. This 5 day overnight trek will lead you from Vilcabamba, climbing 5 hours uphill through Asuntina Pass, through Yanochoca, descending into the village of Yanatile, and (eventually) to Machu Picchu.

If you’re looking to take the off the beaten path route to avoid the crowds and have a more unique trek to Machu Picchu, this is the little known way to go!

6.) Iceland – The Land of Fire & Ice

If you’re at a pivotal point in your life and need an adventure that will truly leave an impression, then the place to turn to is the Land of Fire & Ice.

As it turns out, there are not very many places left unexplored around our planet, however, Iceland seems to be one of those last untouched destinations where the landscapes are not only majestic, but filled with a magical beauty that will captivate any traveler who dares to go there. Along with Iceland’s harmonious lifestyle with its people, you can enjoy breathtaking views, active volcanoes, glaciers, fish rich waters, and sensational coastal villages.

Oh, and did I mention a fantastic Aurora Borealis light show?

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